Transformation of Relationships

One of the wonderful benefits of sharing the Metamorphic Technique is that you may notice your relationships transforming!   Two years after learning the Technique and becoming a practitioner, I gave my first session to my elderly Dad.  We had had a very challenging relationship as I grew up, and in a real sense we…


Transforming form and patterns

“I simply believe that some part of the human Self or Soul is not subject to the laws of space and time”.   Carl Jung   Change happens in space, time and matter.  Transformation happens out of space, time and matter.   What exactly do I mean by out of space, time, and matter?   This…


The Heart & Transformation

Last year during one of my Metamorphic Practice workshops, one of my lovely participants had this dream, which she shared on the second morning.  I share it here with her kind permission.   “Last night I kept dreaming that we were moving house.  Every house we moved into burnt down.  Finally we came to this…


Unity of Being

  As a small child, I lived in a beautiful village nestled in the Alps.  A few years ago, as I looked at a picture of an alpine flower, I felt a familiarity and a remembrance wash over me.  An intensity and vibrancy of connection was felt, as I experienced a global connectedness with this…


The Metamorphic Technique & Families

With kind permission I include this story here, which illustrates how receiving and practising the Metamorphic Technique within a family can offer the opportunity for a deep releasing of patterns between family members. In this story we see a beautiful unfolding connection between mother and son.   It also illustrates the tremendous support the Metamorphic…
